Hi Philipp,
You could decrease the size of the featured image on single posts or pages with some custom CSS.
If you have Jetpack installed, then you can activate its custom CSS module in order to add CSS via Appearance > Edit CSS. (Alternatively, you can activate a standalone CSS plugin.)
Enter the following snippet in either the editor for your CSS plugin or the style.css file of your child theme:
body.page .entry-thumbnail, body.single .entry-thumbnail {
width: 50%;
margin: auto;
Increase/decrease the value of width from 50% in order to increase/decrease the width of the image.
It’d be trickier to make further changes to the positioning of the image, but still possible.
The first step to making such changes to a theme’s layout is generally to create a child theme. You can find good introductions to child themes, information on how they work, and steps to set them up in the following guides:
Cubic is already a child theme to Boardwalk, which is what makes things a little trickier in your case.
If you do wish to move the featured image or make any bigger changes to the layout of your theme, you have the following options:
- Activate Boardwalk, create a child theme for it, and then copy over files from Cubic to the child theme’s directory. You can use a plugin such as Child Theme Configurator to automatic this process. (I recommend this approach.)
- Create a grandchild theme. Although grandchild themes are not officially supported and considered bad practice by some, they will enable you to keep and customise your child theme. You can find some tutorials to set a child theme up here and here.
Let me know if the above information is helpful or if you have any extra questions.