• Hello

    I want to give Gutenberg a try and just want to say, thanks for the Plugin! I use WordPress since February 2005 and wrote thousands of Blog posts, all written using the plain HTML Editor. I like WordPress very much and will stay on Board, come fire or high water… So, my question is:

    When opening a Classic Post, is it possible to automatically convert it to a Gutenberg “Own HTML” Block?

    And another, basic Question: Is it possible to start using a “Own HTML” Block when creating a new Blog Post in Gutenberg?

    Yes, i know. Gutenberg is designed to build Pages in WYSIWYG Mode. And, as far as I can assess this, it does this very fine! I’m just a humble Member of the HTML Editor Fraction ?? I’m absolutely willing to change habits, as long as there are not too many cliffs to convert from the old Editor to Gutenberg.

    Thanks, Benjamin

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  • Moderator Marius L. J.



    When you open your classic content in Gutenberg, it will show up in a Classic Block. This is essentially the classic editor embedded inside the new editor.

    With it you can do all the things you’ve normally done, as well as convert it all to blocks at your own leisure.

    We won’t change that behavior, as it’s expected for backwards compatibility, but you can add the block your self at will, or you can use the Custom HTML block if you prefer to write everything in HTML from scratch, although personally I try to avoid those since I like that WordPress handles the tags etc for me to output valid markup.

    Hi Benjamin –

    Thanks for getting in touch.

    When opening a Classic Post, is it possible to automatically convert it to a Gutenberg “Own HTML” Block?

    It’s possible to use an HTML block with Gutenberg. Maybe I am not understanding the request, so hang with me while we sort this out ??

    To use the Gutenberg HTML block, you’ll click on the + to create a new block. Find the Formatting menu item next, and there you’ll see the <html> block option that can be inserted.

    The entire post can also be viewed in <html> mode. Look for the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner of the post editor. Click those dots. Here you can switch from visual editor to the code editor.

    Thread Starter Benjamin Stocker


    Hello Marius and lizkarkoski

    Many thanks for your reply. The question simply is: What is the easiest way to convert a “Classic Block” into a Gutenberg “Custom HTML” Block?

    At the Moment, I do this when updating a Post:

    1. Open the Post (Classic Editor fires up), switch to HTML View and copy all Text to the Clipboard
    2. Create a new “Custom HTML” Block
    3. Paste the text
    3. Delete the empty Classic Block

    The “Custom HTML” Block has advantages over the HTML View in the Classic Editor: It does Syntax Highlighting and warns on malformed HTML. That’s very good!

    Best wishes and greetings

    Moderator Marius L. J.


    Ahhh, I see.

    That will eventually be doable with code (I don’t believe we’ve finished all the APIs around that just yet, but I could be wrong). Essentially with Gutenberg we’re also introducing hooks and filters for JavaScript, so you can modify the behavior of the converter and tell it to instead of making a lot of blocks, just make one big Custom HTML block.

    Again though, not quite there, but it will be and I definitely see the use case here.

    I have a similar question, as it appears that the aforementioned backward compatibility actually does not exist. With Gutenberg in a Classic block you can no longer add media the old way but instead have to switch to visual editing, add the image at the end of the text, then switch to code editing and move it where you want. This is not how it happens now (pre-Gutenberg) in the code editor, where all you had to do is click the add media button and insert the image where you want it.

    Not trying to hijack this post, just correcting the backward compatibility comment above. It would be nice to have this fixed, so we don’t lose long-standing functionality.

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