• Teresa


    I have used your hms testimonials plugin for a while on a site. Within the testimonials, ? keeps being added where there is a space. I keep deleting them but they return.
    Screenshot: https://prntscr.com/9ugeyy

    Also, I do not want to use the first section to add their name but it seems to be required. I have put in a dot to take care of this but I have both light and dark areas the testimonials are showing so the dot shows up in places. Is there way to remove the required field from the name (the first editor or top editor in your plugin).


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  • Did you ever resolved this issue? I am having the same problem except that it not only replaces spaces but also accented characters with question marks.

    If anyone else is having the same problem, I managed to resolve the issue by changing the collation of the database table’s “testimonials” field to “utf8_general_ci”. Unfortunately I still needed to go back and change all of the question marks to their proper character for previously entered content.

    When the plugin first installs, it sets the collation to “big5_chinese_ci”. Changing it to utf8_general_ci or utf_unicode_ci fixes the problem.

    You may want to do all 3 affected fields while you are at it:

    • name
    • testimonial
    • url

    For some reason, only these three get set to big5_chinese_ci. Other text and varchar fields are utf_unicode_ci.

    I haven’t noticed any down side yet to making these changes.

    Michael Milette

    Never mind all that. I just noticed on the “HMS Testimonials Advanced Settings” page, there is an option to set the character set/collation. Look for the following field:

    8. Character Set/Collation
    Note: Changing this will modify your tables.

    You’ll want to change this to utf8_general_ci as mentioned above.

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