The definition of Bounce Rate by Google is the percentage of single-page sessions.
It is to measure relevancy and interactivity (click another pages).
This is not correct. Google themselves say: Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. sessions in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page). They don’t talk about interactivity.
By using your plugin it helps to show relevancy in a more accurate way, but not much in interactivity.
The interactivity with Analytics is every 10 seconds and event and another event when people scroll for the first time. What other interactivity could I add to the plugin?
Because even though the users don’t click another page in a session, as long they stay above 10 sec, it won’t be considered as a bounce.
Or when they are less than 10 seconds on a page but they have scrolled.
The interactivity should be look on the Pages/Session metric.
Interactivity means communication between your website and Google Analytics. If someone stays 3 minutes on a single webpage and does nothing, there is just as much interactivity as someone visits 17 pages in those 3 minutes. You confuse it with Pages/Session.
And I can reduce the rate even more if I could increases the average Pages/session, right?
Now you are going back to rate (bounce rate?). There is no relation between bounce rate and Pages/session. So, you cannot decrease your bounce rate by having a higher average Pages/session.
So this plugin doesn’t change the behavior of my visitors, it changes only the way how relevancy is measured in GA.
This plugin communicates every 10 seconds with Google Analytics by creating an event. Besides that, it creates an event when people scroll for the first time on a page.