• I know this sounds really stupid. I have done other WP sites and have not encountered this problem. BUt…
    when you first open WP. there is a SAMPLE PAGE. I usually just rename it HOME or WELCOME and move on from there to other pages. However today I have a new template which has HOME on the navigation bar already from the Sample Page. If I rename it HOME then I have 2 HOMEs showing on the bar. If I rename it WELCOME then I have HOME AND WELCOME…only want one ..and it is the same page??? So how do I overcome this. I want this to be my base home page. If I delete it and start over…it won’t name it as my index.

    I know..stupid..but I am having a mental block today…too long on the computer ?? Thanks for your help anyone ??

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  • Thanks for the question InnKeeperea and sorry I hadn’t seen your posting sooner and was a little surprised that one of my colleague’s hadn’t answered it by now.

    Based on your explanation as to what you’re trying to accomplish the process is as easy as…..go into “Settings” in your dashboard and simply change the “Reading” settings from “Your Lates Posts” to A Static Page by unclicking one and clicking the other…then select “Sample Page” from the drop down….leave posts page blank unless you’re going to have a blog..in which case you will want to create a static page named “blog”.

    Your WordPress will automatically connect the Nav menu “home” to that page..but remember that in the Menu system there is no need for adding “home” or the Sample page as a menu item….your explanation on the template you’re using tells me that it “always” has Home defaulted in the menu so no need to select in in the menu.

    Hope that answers your question and I apologize again for getting back so late.

    Thanks again, Rick

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