Question about Media file Renamer
I installed straight right your Plugin and have questions about Umlaute.I tested following Media File which is named: ?sterreich Flüge.
After uploading it has been named to: ?sterreich-Flüge.jpg.Does this Plugin support auto renaming on upload for special chars? Mean, does the Plugin take care to Umlaute when upload the Media files?: So that in an aoutomatic upload process following chars become: ?=Oe, ?=oe, ü=ue, ü=ue, ?=ae, ?=ae, ?=ss
Original File is: ?sterreich Flüge.jpg ( Umlaute here in this Media File are: ?, ü; and space)Does the Plugin handle this in following way to become Oesterreich-fluege.jpg ?
I tried different settings but nothing worked except the Space.
Original File ?sterreich Flüge.jpg became ?sterreich-Flüge.jpg after Upload.Which settings do I need to to get renamed the special chars? Or do I need the Pro Version of your Plugin?
Thank′s for your reply,
With best Regards, Karl
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