• I have a page set-up in the wp admin as “Home”. On this page there is an intro of an article. It is not a post, and the postings for the blog is directed on another page. At the end of this intro text there is a “Read More” a tag link. This would go to a page setup in the wp admin as another page. Now I know I can direct the link to the page that will have all of this remaining content including the intro just read. My question is there a way to have it go to the exact same place of the article where the viewer left off reading before they hit the “Read More”. Is it possible? I know you can do a id tags and link them within the same page, but can you do that within separate pages? Just wondering to see if there are any suggestions.



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  • The anchor tag is your baby! See this:
    The name attribute is used to create a named anchor. When using named anchors we can create links that can jump directly into a specific section on a page, instead of letting the user scroll around to find what he/she is looking for.

    Below is the syntax of a named anchor:

    <a name="label">Text to be displayed</a>
    The name attribute is used to create a named anchor. The name of the anchor can be any text you care to use.

    The line below defines a named anchor:

    <a name="tips">Useful Tips Section</a>

    You should notice that a named anchor is not displayed in a special way.

    To link directly to the “tips” section, add a # sign and the name of the anchor to the end of a URL, like this:

    <a href="https://www.w3schools.com/html_links.asp#tips">
    Jump to the Useful Tips Section</a>

    A hyperlink to the Useful Tips Section from WITHIN the file “html_links.asp” will look like this:

    <a href="#tips">Jump to the Useful Tips Section</a>

    Got the above from here:
    W3 Schools anchor tags

    Thread Starter s4int


    Thanks Cregy,

    That worked perfectly! Something new I learned.

    I did this as well. It worked fine except that the color of the text I linked to changed (from white to blue). Not sure why this happened. The theme I’m using is aquafine.

    Can anyone help?

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