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  • Just sharing my personal approach to updating after managing “a bunch of sites” for years. I would never rely on automated updates with any theme, as active development (which is nice) will sometimes break old ways of doing things (which is less nice) and require you to revisit the customizer and update settings to your likening.

    What you could do, is having a test/staging site with your favourite theme/themes, update that manually, watch if anything breaks, and if not, hit that auto-update button in whatever site managing tool you use. That works well for me.

    Somewhat related – WordFence wrote an interesting blog post on new auto updated features of WordPress

    Lastly. My guess is, that Creative Themes will soon consider the free Blocksy Theme as “done” and focus their development resources on their premium version. Of course the free theme will still be supported and any improvement of existing features “backported”, but you will probably not see major changes requiring you to simulate publish in the customizer on a daily basis anyway. Just me guessing. I’m not affiliated with the guys at Creative Themes.

    Stay safe!

    Thread Starter matgargano



    Appreciate the insight, I’d rather see if Blocksy can give me an answer to my question.


    Theme Author creativethemeshq


    Hello @matgargano, in the last update we made some big improvements to the dynamic CSS and sometimes (on some servers) it is not regenerated by default.

    All you have to do is to simply go to Customizer and hit one time the Publish button, this will regenerate the CSS file and everything will be fine.

    Let us know if this helps you and if you have any other questions.


    Theme Author creativethemeshq


    @matgargano To add bit to already said above, indeed for this update we had disabled the auto-regeneration of CSS because we had some problems with it in the past. But, with the next update we’ll have this back and we’ll get this to work correctly, since this caused way too many issues for people with 1.7.25.

    But, if you want to make everything fail proof right now, just add get this command to run at the end of your WP CLI updater script: wp eval "add_action('customize_save_after');". This will trigger an artificial customizer save, which in turn will trigger the CSS regeneration process. Or, you can disable the CSS extraction in a file altogether, but that’s obviously not advised, more info here.

    Hope this helps and sorry for the trouble!

    Thread Starter matgargano


    Thanks! That should be do_action('customize_save_after') no?

    Theme Author creativethemeshq


    @matgargano Yep, this is it, if your script is written in PHP ??

    Or you can call our action directly: do_action('blocksy:dynamic-css:regenere_css_files'), yes, I know there’s a typo in the action name ??

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