Thanks so much!
I am using it for 3 roles: free, vip and premium vip. Only vip and premium vip would be able to participate in the referral program so would receive the codes.
By cancellation I mean if someone is referred by Joe Blow initially, the count goes up by 1. If Admin rejects the registration, or that user deletes their account and is no longer part of the system, it would go down by 1. And as I write that it’s because I am associating it with registrations and not referrals so I will retract that question, it doesn’t need to decrease. A referral is a referral whether they register or not so disregard that.
As for the roles, the way I have the referral program is vip premium can refer / get credit for (paid) vip registrations. Vip can refer free sign ups to earn a vip premium upgrade. So being able to know what role referred what would be helpful if that is even doable. It would be shown in the user column dashboard.
The way I have done it because there is only one referral link field is to put the free referral link for vips in the field and on a restricted page I added the link for the vip premium referrals and added the /?ref###### part to the end of it.
But it’s one referral code that everyone gets. Is it possible to have a setting or code snippet so that the free registrations don’t also get a referral code generated wholesale. By restriction, I was asking if it was possible to set it so that only assigned roles get a referral code.
Thanks again for the quick response. So far I am enjoying the simplicity of the plugin. I am just looking for the best way to adjust what it does for my individual needs with code.