• Resolved Aleksandar


    Hello. Could you tell me if the minification of scripts, css and html works when we are logged in as users or administrators? That is, do the optimizations also apply to logged in users?


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  • Plugin Support qtwrk



    there is an option in Page Optimzation -> tune setting -> optimize for guest only

    to control this behavior

    best regards,

    Thread Starter Aleksandar


    I’m having trouble understanding this option. My site is a membership site. Members pay to get an account to log in as users and read. Could you please tell me what I need to do to make the minification of scripts and such work for users. Without of course caching working for them.

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    with that option ON , all optimization only apply to guest / no-login user, with that option OFF, it apply to all users login or guest

    Thread Starter Aleksandar


    Now I get it! Thank you very much!

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