• Resolved synflex


    Hi, congratulations on the plugin, it works great. I have a question. On the main page of my blog I have inserted a filter for the post categories. The single post shows the category to which the post belongs. I would like that, by clicking on the category, the link does not refer to the archive page of that category, but to the main page of the blog with the filter for that category already applied. Is such a thing possible? If so, how? I hope I made it clear and thank you in advance for your support.

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  • Plugin Author Trusty Plugins


    Hi @synflex ,

    This feature is not available yet in the plugin. We will try to add this feature in future versions.

    Trusty Plugins Team

    Thread Starter synflex


    Thanks for reply. Yes, it would be a very useful feature, in my opinion, I hope you can implement it soon. Greetings.

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