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  • Plugin Author Nick Diego


    Hi Colin,

    This looks to be a syntax error. # should not be included in a query parameter due to how URLs are encoded and because # defines a subsection of the page and is therefore ignored as part of the parameter.

    That said if you change the “Required Queries (Any)” value to docs=query-string-test you should be in good shape. Then go to or (again the #Coffeemugs is ignored as part of the parameter) and you should see your Column block.

    Let me know if you run into any trouble.


    Thread Starter Colin Kells


    HI Nick

    Thanks for your reply.

    Works fine if Domain Name is removed.
    i.e /drinkware/?docs=query-string-test

    I assume I can change docs=query-string-test to anyname, with different names for
    each block that I want to hide/view?

    Cheers Colin

    Plugin Author Nick Diego


    Hi Colin, yes, you can change the query string to anything you want and configure the blocks accordingly.

    For example, if you specified a query string products=shirts and configure a bunch of blocks with this visibility condition, then whenever anyone navigates to, they will see the blocks. You could also have other blocks setup with something like products=pants, which would only show up on the URL


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