Hi @acarvalheiro, thanks for getting in touch.
All the authors in our plugin are stored as taxonomy terms of “author” taxonomy.
More details here: https://publishpress.com/knowledge-base/authors-data-backup/
So basically you need to use the meta query for filtering according to your requirements:
For easily removing an author of a post, there is no UI in the frontend yet. But you could use the method “MultipleAuthors\Classes\Utils::set_post_authors”. The method signature is:
* Set the authors for a post
* @param int $postId ID for the post to modify.
* @param array $authors Bylines to set on the post.
* @param bool $syncPostAuthor
* @param int $fallbackUserId User ID for using as the author in case no author or if only guests are selected
public static function set_post_authors($postId, $authors, $syncPostAuthor = true, $fallbackUserId = null);
I hope that helps. Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you have more questions.