Hi Kim,
thanks for your reply.
I’m aware of “Adding filters”, but I couldn’t find out the solution to the following:
assume you’re a training institute (similar to your demo), and you record indos about your contracted Teachers, like: experience (yrs), preferred working locations, and other specific “CV content”.
Assuming you need to fill a gap for a new Class to start, you want to check in your Teachers database (table), to find out the best match (ie, 10 yrs exp, “only works in London municipality + others (stored in the table) AND ITERATE the process by changing these parameters value to produce different views of the underlying table
In my understanding, you need a form (list, tabular style) where the columns (headers) are filterable in AND to produce different partial views of your Teachers table.
In other words: WHERE condition with variable (form based) parameters.
Hope this help to better explain the business requirement.
Any Idea more than appreciated.