• Resolved michael83



    I have this problem that appears during the scan that i can not solve .

    Can you help me ?

    Thank you

    [Query execution was interrupted] SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_value REGEXP '(QGV4dHJhY3QoJF9SRVFVRVNUKTs|CQk8TUVUQSBodHRwLWVxdWl2PSJyZWZyZXNoIiBjb250ZW50PSIwO3tmcmFtZV91cmx9Ij4K|NjMuMjQzLjEyOC0yNTUuKg==|aWYoIWlzX3VzZXJfbG9nZ2VkX2luKCkpeyAKCglpZihpc3NldCgkX0NPT0tJRVsnd3BzZXNzaW9uJ10pKSByZXR1cm47CglpZihpc19hZG1pbigpKSByZXR1cm47CglpZihmdW5)'


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  • Plugin Author WFMattR



    As a temporary fix, you can turn off “Scan database for backdoors, trojans and suspicious code” on the Wordfence options page — it’s likely that this query takes too long to run on your host’s database server.

    We are looking at optimizing this part of the scan in a future version, so it will work with hosts that have this issue, since we have seen it a few times.

    -Matt R

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