So I cannot really figure out what would be blocking the input from populating with the value attribute. The value attribute is being populated correctly, but the input itself has a different value in the dom.
If I update the value using javascript like so
document.querySelector(‘#product_2861_qty’).value = 5
the quantity input is being updated and would show 5 in this case. Inspect element still shows value=”1″
When the shortcode is called the html attribute for value is generated and does not change based on user interactions (it is not using javascript to update the html attributes, but is using the standard html input features — the dom — this is not what is seen while inspecting).
When the user changes the number in the input, the value in inspect element is not updated. Additionally if I as the user put 8 in the input, and then go modify the dom for the html input to have value=”2″, and ask the dom what the value is, it still puts out 8.
With this in mind, I refreshed the page (new everything) and tried to get the value of one of these inputs. While the html attribute value=”1″ the dom returns a blank string “”.
This leads me to believe there is some javascript somewhere on your website that is modifying the dom and we can see this in the html input element for this plugin. Because we are seeing this when you change sizes (toggling inputs visible) I am willing to assume the javascript used in this functionality has some unexpected results that we are seeing now.
Can you take a look to see if there is something in these areas? It is hard to debug on my end with all your javascript assets bundled, but I feel like we are tracking it down!