• WordPress 3.8.1. qTranslate 2.5.39.

    Everything similar to XML/HTML tags disappear from the posts when they are saved and reopened for editing. It stores the text to the database properly after the first save only. The second and following saves put corrupted text into database. Corruption happens at the editor rendering stage.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a post with the content <x>Hello in visual editor.
    2. Save draft or publish a post. It will reopen for editing again.

    What happens: <x> tag disappears from the text.
    What is expected: <x> tag stays in place.

    Note that this is not raw text mode with html/xml markup, but a usual WYSIWYG editor mode.

    When you comment out “remove_filter(‘the_editor_content’, ‘wp_richedit_pre’)” in qtranslate_wphacks.php, saving and updating works fine, but you receive an empty line at the beginning of the post.


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