• Resolved hnuecke


    I us Ultimatum which comes with VisualComposer, Wonderloop etc.
    I know qtranslate from other websites and installed both the standard and the special VC versions.

    On my start page I created a Layout with two identical 100% rows where I included (with Ultimatum page) 2 smal page snippets that I created with the classical editor. Nothing special, just some formatted text.

    Both have the same setting (chosen Layout e.g.).
    One page works as expected and switches nicely between German and English.
    The other page shows always (independent on the selected language) both text, i.e. the English AND the German content; plus the special [:de][:en][:] tags (visible in the front end) and .
    I tried everything I could think of:

    • deactivated/activated both qtranslate plugins
    • deleted and recreated the page
    • deleted/rebuilt the “page rows”
    • selected a page with different content
    • changed Editor mode (LSB, RAW, SLM)
    • cleared the cache
    • deactivated all plugins and re-activated in different sequences
    • compared the raw HTML code of both pages, and the structure looks the same!
    • even copied the HTML code

    But I cannot get a second page to work, i.e. switch the language!

    Is there a limitation like support for one row only in Ultimatum Layout?
    Does it matter that I test locally in XAMPP?
    Any other ideas?

    I’m frustrated and lost half day…
    Thanks for any ideas or suggestions!!

    I will try it on my server on a test domain; and then could provide a link.
    But first I have to backup the original content which takes a while…
    All plugins and WP are updated to the latest version.



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  • Thread Starter hnuecke


    I tested a bit more and changed the start page between the tow pages.
    And the one with defined as start page works, the other does not.
    When I define an empty page with the layout that includes the 2 pages, both contents are not handled by qtranslate.
    So it looks like standard pages are working, but an Ultimatum “widgetized” Layout does not.

    I’m pretty new to Ultimatum, so probably I’m doing something wrong here.

    BTW, There is no language switch in the Layout editor view, what might be (part of?) the problem.

    qtranslate is highly configurable (great plugin btw!).

    Has anybody suggestions on how to probably to make this work?
    I also will check with Ultimatum and report my findings here; if any ??


    Thread Starter hnuecke


    Update 2:
    After writing this post, which helped me to digest things better, and with some more tests and thoughts I found the reason and solution:

    The “pages” that are included in a Layout MUST NOT have that Layout assigned. I know, afterwards it sounds all so logical; kind of endless loop…

    I assigned the default (blog) Layout to those pages (I will use an empty one next) and only assigned the complex “one-page” layout to an empty page.

    I have to find out if this is the correct approach creating a single page layout, but at least I found one solution ??

    Hopefully this helps other Ultimatum beginners to save some time ??

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