QR Codes not showing up anywhere
Hi Guys, Great plugin. I have had this plugin up and running on this website for testing previously. However, now, the tickets are going out without QR codes. There is a broken image icon on the web version and the PDF says Image Not Found – https://www.torontoweeklyevents.com/wp-content/plugins/opentickets… (This string runs off the page of the pdf). Please help! We’re about to launch with events this month and were hoping to get through final testing today..
Thanks a lot,
== Environment == * Home URL: [neutral] https://www.torontoweeklyevents.com * Site URL: [neutral] https://www.torontoweeklyevents.com * WC Version: [neutral] 2.3.5 * WP Version: [neutral] 4.1.1 * WP Multisite Enabled: [neutral] No * Wev Server Info: [neutral] Apache ++ HTTP/1.1 * PHP Version: [neutral] 5.3.24 * MySQL Version: [neutral] 5.5.40 * WP Acitve Plugins: [neutral] 8 * WP Memory Limit: [good] You have more than the required minimum memory of 64MB. Your current total is 256M. * WP Debug Mode: [neutral] No * WP Language: [neutral] en_US * WP Max Upload Size: [neutral] No * WP Max Post Size: [neutral] 33M * PHP Max Execution Time: [neutral] 30 * PHP Max Input Vars: [neutral] 1000 * WP Uploads Writable: [good] Uploads directory IS writable * Default Timezone: [neutral] UTC == Software == * Active Plugins: [neutral] + [ON]: BackupBuddy (https://ithemes.com/purchase/backupbuddy/) by iThemes (https://ithemes.com/purchase/backupbuddy/), + [ON]: Instagram Feed (https://smashballoon.com/instagram-feed) by Smash Balloon (https://smashballoon.com/instagram-feed), + [ON]: MailChimp (https://www.mailchimp.com/plugins/mailchimp-wordpress-plugin/) by MailChimp and Crowd Favorite (https://www.mailchimp.com/plugins/mailchimp-wordpress-plugin/), + [ON]: OpenTickets Community Edition (https://opentickets.com/) by Quadshot Software LLC (https://opentickets.com/), + [ON]: Revolution Slider (https://www.themepunch.com/revolution/) by ThemePunch (https://www.themepunch.com/revolution/), + [ON]: Social Icons Widget (https://github.com/dannisbet/Social-Icons-Widget) by Dan Nisbet (https://github.com/dannisbet/Social-Icons-Widget), + [ON]: WooCommerce (https://www.woothemes.com/woocommerce/) by WooThemes (https://www.woothemes.com/woocommerce/), + [ON]: WooCommerce Stripe Gateway (https://www.woothemes.com/products/stripe/) by Mike Jolley (https://www.woothemes.com/products/stripe/) * Acitve Theme: [neutral] + alterna7 (https://themefocus.co/alterna/) by ThemeFocus (https://themefocus.co) == Data == * Event Areas: [neutral] + "Indoor Soccer" [#193] (inherit), + "Volleyball" [#185] (inherit), + "Basketball" [#178] (inherit), + "Indoor Soccer" [#193] (inherit), + "Volleyball" [#185] (inherit), + "Basketball" [#178] (inherit), + "Basketball" [#178] (inherit), + "Indoor Soccer" [#193] (inherit), + "Volleyball" [#185] (inherit), + "Event Area 1 (WBB@Venue1)" [#102] (inherit), + "Fresh" [#86] (inherit), + "Ice Skating" [#88] (inherit), + "The Area" [#10] (inherit) * Ticket Products: [neutral] + #193 "Indoor Soccer" (10) [3 EA], + #185 "Volleyball Ticket" (10) [3 EA], + #178 "Basketball Ticket" (10) [3 EA]
@freshground this is very likely a permission issue on the display of the PDF. Can you check permissions on the old dev site vs live?
If you want some help, provide a wp login to the site using username ‘opentickets’ and email it to [email protected] and we’ll see if we can help.
As a good, easy troubleshooting step @freshground, you could make sure that QR library cache directory has write permissions by the user that apache runs as. The path is /wp-content/plugins/opentickets-community-edition/libs/phpqrcode/cache/ . On many servers, apache runs as the ‘nobody’ or ‘apache’ users. Just make sure that user (or whatever user yours works on) owns that directory above, and can write to it (usually 755 works if they are the owner). That could solve it. If not, we may need to do some further troubleshooting with you, which could require temporary access as @quadshot asked for above.
Hi Loushou,
Now the PDF is not displaying at all. We had planned on launching today and selling tickets for a planned event (even though we couldn’t get the QR codes to work). But now without the PDF tickets at all, we have a problem. Can someone please help us out? I can send login info if you’d like to take a look…
As far as the suggestion with databases and permissions, all db users have all privileges, so that shouldn’t be the problem, I don’t think…
Just sent a username and pass to info@. Thanks guys!
@freshground just an update reviewing these tickets can you re-send that?
We get a lot of logins sent to help customers, so we might not be matching the site to your issue. Assume it is the one in your settings dump.
We’d like to help so if you can re-send credentials and post here when you do we’d appreciate it.
your site appears live and I just want to verify that your issue is resolved. If it is not, we do see the live site and have a login.
If you still need help, post here and we’ll be notified.
I’m developing an event site https://www.toolss.com.au (currently in Comming Soon mode).
Everything works well including when a client clicks on their email to get their ticket, the HTML version displays perfectly.
Unfortunately I’m betting the same issue as @freshground. I can download the PDF but the three linked images do not show up (image not found). The interesting thing is that the HTML pictures work but not the links in the PDF. Shouldn’t they be the same?
The URL of the ticket is as follows, so you can see the ticket and download the PDF.
Any help would be appreciated.
SteveHey @iconicangel ,
Historically, most of these image problems on the tickets have been permission related. In a recent rare edge case, there was an issue with the url for the image, but you do not seem to be affected by this based on your pasted url. Take a look at this other response to a similar question I wrote.
If those steps do not solve the problem, I am more than happy to take a closer look at your specific situation. That will require temporary access to your admin though, if you are comfortable with that. With direct admin access, I have some tools I can use to track down the problem that I have developed over time. Generally, if we get that far, tracking down the issue happens fairly quickly. If it comes to that, and you are comfortable with it, send some credentials to [email protected], and I will take a cursory look.
Thanks for your response. I did a test with the links contained in the PDF. I copied them and placed them in my browser and both the QR and OpenTicket logo displayed. I then opened MS Word and inserted the OpenTicket URL in that document and the logo appeared.
I did a a Google search and found the following in
https://forums.adobe.com/message/4001215It says: “For linked images, your PDF file contains a thumbnail image along with the reference or address of the actual image. Reader will display this thumbnail.”
Opening the downloaded PDF, it does not seem to have a thumbnail image and so this could be the issue…or not.
Anyway, I will send you the admin permissions for the site. We are professional developers and so I understand the need to investigate at the source.
@iconicangel – I wanted to let you know that this seems to be affecting more than just the images on your PDFs. Based on how the PDF turns out, it looks like the css file is not getting loaded either, because there is no border wrapping the ticket itself, and there are bullets by each LI element, which are both rules in the css. I will continue to dig into this, and I will keep you posted along the way.
Hey @iconicangel ,
I have tracked down the problem. It would seem that the pdf library we are using (DOMPDF) makes use of file_get_contents() for getting the contents of the assets (css and image files). This requires that the allow_url_fopen php.ini directive be set to ‘On’, which you have turned off, and may not even have access to turn on. Certainly not everyone who uses the software is going to have the ability to turn it on if it is off; thus, we are probably going to be forking DOMPDF until they update to not use this. I will keep you posted when we have a workable solution for this.
I did also want to say thanks for getting us access to this environment. Each time we run into this type of image to PDF related problem it has been something slightly different. This one seems to be one that will be one that affects lots of people, so it is at the top of the queue to be resolved.
Thanks for your reply. I’m a new start software company and working on my own after work in a team for the past 15 years, I find that any help I can give others is a pleasure.
So reading your last post, if the allow_url_fopen php.ini directive be set to ‘On’ then this issue will be resolved? I couldn’t find the file to change the setting.
By the way, I’ll leave the site with the same user name and password so you can test any fixes you need to. Let me know if you do not require access anymore.
Hey @iconicangel ,
You are correct. If you change the directive in your php ini file to On, that should solve it for your situation. Also, you can find the file location of the file, if you have not already tracked it down, by creating a php file somewhere on your site that includes the following code (make sure it is only there temporarily since it includes tons of valuable info):
Then, one you have the output in a browser, you can search for ‘php.ini’ and that will show you the full path. Alternatively, you can run the commandline version `php -i | grep \.ini’, but often times the PHP CLI config is in a different location than the CGI config; thus you may not be able to rely on the commandline version.
Hopefully that helps you track it down,
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