• It would be nice to incorporate the QR code for some of the ticket items to speed up entry to one of our events. But indications were that this was not available for this plugin.

    However if you include a call to the Google API for a QR code you can generate a QR code.

    I added this to the Template for Confirmed Email (Under Settings / Emails / Booking Emails Templates). The Placeholders like #_BOOKINGSPACES get the appropriate data from the database.
    The result scans from a mobile app nicely..
    The API is covered here: https://developers.google.com/chart/infographics/docs/qr_codes
    Hope this helps..

    Your attendance for #_BOOKINGSPACES people at #_EVENTNAME is <strong>confirmed</strong>.
    KEEP this e-mail in a safe place, this is your TICKET to enter the party!
    <img class="alignnone size-singlepic" src="https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=320x320&choe=UTF-8&chl=#_EVENTNAME - Ticket No #_BOOKINGID for ID #_CONTACTID with Name #_BOOKINGNAME booked #_BOOKINGSPACES places" width="320" height="320" />
    <p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>When</strong> : #_EVENTDATES @ #_EVENTTIMES
    ( Add to your calendar: #_EVENTICALLINK )
    <strong>Where</strong> : #_LOCATIONNAME - #_LOCATIONFULLLINE</p>
    Your unique booking number is <strong> #_BOOKINGID </strong>. You can bring the following guests:
    <p style="padding-left: 30px;"> #_BOOKINGATTENDEES </p>
    Please bring this email (printed or on your phone) to the event.</h3>
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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    it’s not possible out the box at the moment. it may be possible with custom coding but unfortunately we are quite limited with regards to custom coding as per the support policy – https://eventsmanagerpro.com/support-policy/

    Thread Starter dshelton


    Hi Angelo,
    this does work, no custom coding required. Just add the html code to the template files as in my first post.
    OK if you do not have the Pro version then you will lack the form editor so I am not sure if you have all the options.
    I just renewed our subscription because we can now do QR codes, so I’m pretty pleased with it.
    You should check it out and pass the news along.

    Thanks, I’ve booked marked this thread in case someone else asks about using QR codes with Events Manager.

    Thread Starter dshelton


    Thanks caimin.

    Great work mate! This was a sorely missing feature. Does it hook into the back end system in any way and have you got a more detailed explanation of how to set up and use please?

    Appreciate the great work you have done and kind of wonder why the devs have not done something similar on an official scale?

    What is the best way to use it under your system?

    Thanks dshelton!

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