@chelys – Depending on what QR reader you are using, safari may or may not be the correct browser. Some QR readers employ their own custom browsers, which can be a pain to work with. I recommend using one that I know works on iDevices, called NeoReader. It has a setting that forces urls to open in Safari. Thus if you are logged in to the admin on safari on your phone, then scanning the tickets will work.
As a long-term solution, I will make a note to change the ‘access denied’ message to a ‘you must login to do this’ message, and provide a login box that will allow you to access the admin. Until that is built however, try switching to that other app, or another one that allows you to use Safari instead of their custom one. Once you do that, simply login to your admin on safari, then use the new scanner app to scan the barcodes.
Also, you may want to double check that your safari settings are not blocking cookies. I seem to remember that on earlier versions of iOS and safari that the cookies were blocked by default. Just double check that in your settings panel. Also double check that your settings are not blowing out your cookies too aggressively. There could be an option that is on which is blowing them out when safari is not the active app.
Hope this helps,