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  • Hello @ibann

    I clicked on the link and do see the QR Codes

    For the missing images – when you set up the tickdet (Product), Venue, Venue Area and Event – are you making sure to set the images you want to use as the “Featured Image” for each type

    We have put up some detailed How-To Videos on our website – check out the one at:

    Quadshot Tech

    Plugin Author quadshot


    @ibann If you want to, provide a wp login to [email protected] and we can take a look at your settings as well.

    If you do this, make it username ‘opentickets’.

    Plugin Author loushou


    @ibaan – Thanks for the complement. We have put a lot of work into it, and it makes me happy to hear that our hard work has made an impression. With that in mind, it seems that the example link has gone inactive. In my past experience, most of the QR code problems seem to be a server side permissions related issue. Sometimes the server is not allowed to talk back to itself, which can cause the PDF library we use to not fetch the images properly. Other times, the file permissions of the cache dir for the qrcode lib are not correct. In rare other cases, it has been a plugin setting or conflicting plugin. Usually the other image issue either have the same permission issue, or they are simply not setup in their respective posts as the ticket expects them to be.

    Without temporary access to a test area for your site, it is hard to say exactly what is causing the problem; however, here are the first steps I would take usually when troubleshooting this type of problem:

    QR Image:
    – make sure that your file permissions in /wp-content/plugins/opentickets-community-edition/libs/phpqrcode/cache/ are at least as open as your uploads directory, and that the files are owned by the user that apache (assuming you are using apache) is running as. on many servers, this means that the files must be owned by ‘nobody.nobody’ (depending on implementation) and must have 755 permissions at least.
    – if the permissions are correct, double check that your sysadmin has not blocked request on the ‘loopback’ (ip address for your server. somewhere along the line, some unwitting sysadmin started propagating that having that open was a security risk, so everyone started to hop on the band wagon. unfortunately that is misguided at best and actually causes more problems than it solves. just make sure it is open
    – if those dont leave a mark, then we may stuck until temporary access is provided.

    Other Images:
    – first, even though it sounds like a dumb ‘duh i did that already’ idea, double check that the ticket product, the venue and the event all have their respective images. it only takes like a minute to double check, so you may as well
    – if that does not work, then double check that your uploads directory permissions are correct. the easiest way to check this quickly is to use the media library and upload a new image. if you get an error, then there is probably a permission problem. try resolving that like above under QR codes.
    – if that is still not making a change, then we may stuck until we can route around and help track the problem.

    Hope this helps,

    Plugin Author quadshot


    This issue appears to be solved and was last updated a week ago.

    @ibaan please let us know if you have other issues.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 7903281


    sorry I didn;t have time to check yet…
    I’ll let you know asap!



    I have installed the latest version of the plugin. Before I would post here, I read the previous advice and wrote to my ISP about the QR not generating or showing up on the tickets. The following is the answer. Everything is good at the ISP. Could the fact that we have not gone live with the domain be a contributing problem? The site is under an IP address right now. Everything else works with this terrific plugin.

    I deactivated all unnecessary plugins and that didn’t work either.

    I was wondering if you could maybe give me a hint on what else I can do or if you think this will clear up when using a domain name instead of an IP address?

    Thank so much


    Hello John,

    Thank you for contacting our Help Desk.

    I’ve checked and confirm that the directory in question is set with the correct permissions and ownership. The connection to localhost is also allowed by default.

    If you have any problems with your system, please provide us with detailed, step-by-step instructions how to reproduce the exact issue. Do not forget to include any login details we might need as well.

    We are looking forward to your reply.

    Best Regards,

    Plugin Author quadshot



    Can you please paste your ‘System Status’ from the ‘OpenTickets’ menu item in the Dashboard.



    I’m not really sure which dashboard you are talking about?



    This is the WordPress Admin Dashboard

    When you log on to manage your WordPress site with an admin account – them screen you end up in is called the Dashboard

    On the left hand side if you click on OpenTickets you will find a link that will bring up the systems status that has been asked for

    Quadshot Tech

    Plugin Author loushou


    @backbeatjohn – it seems like this conversation has moved to it’s own thread. Lets continue the conversation over there.

    Plugin Author loushou


    For posterity’s sake, we found that the pdf library we use, DOMPDF, initially required that the ‘allow_url_fopen’ php directive be set to ‘On’ in the php.ini file (research is documented here We wound up writing a solution that prefers cURL first, then the fopen method, since this seems to work better for most people. If you are having issues, try either installing cURL, or turning on allow_url_fopen.


    Hi. I already change the allow_url_fopen on php.ini to 1
    by=ut qr code is not showing anywhere after the update, which part do I miss?

    Plugin Author loushou


    Hey @arciel ,

    If you have tried everything in this thread and are still having problems (not only allow_url_fopen, but also the permissions solution and loopback check), then you may be being affected by a new undiscovered problem. If you feel like you fall into that category, then perhaps you will allow us to take a closer look at your environment. Usually, with admin access, we are able to track down the source of potential problems fairly quickly. If this is something you are comfortable with, create a temporary wp-admin account for us and forward the credentials to [email protected].


    Plugin Author quadshot


    We assume the issue is resolved so please let us know if there are other issues.

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