• Is it possible to have the title be superimposed over the header in Twenty Ten? I am new to this and don’t know code. I have been researching this and haven’t found anything relevant.

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  • add something like this to the end of style.css of your theme:

    #branding { position:relative; }
    #site-title { position:absolute; left:25px; top: 30px; }
    #site-description { position:absolute; right:30px; top: 30px; font-size:140%; width: 500px; text-align:right; }

    the left: and top: values position the title and the description;

    optional you may need to add color codes to have the title contrasting to the image:

    #site-title a { color: #123456; }
    #site-title a:hover { color: #654321; }
    #site-description { color: #123456; }

    This fix doesn’t seem to work anyomore. Did an update change something? How do I do it now?

    Values Board is the site I’m working on.

    I’ve minimized it to zero for now….

    I really want to slide that banner under the title now, help me out please. I added the code in the style sheet but its still not working.

    Still this one: Values Board

    Nevermind, got it, dumb newbie stuff….

    Hey lazyym, Does the image automatically move up to the top of the screen when you shift the site title and tagline?

    It does John, my mistake was that I did not add the style codes to the END of the sheet.

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