• Hi Denis and all,

    Denis, would just like to compliment you on the new
    Semiologic version. It’s just great compared to
    the last one. Easy to install now too.

    Denis, just one thing… how do you manage to
    put text next to the “Copyright 2006, . ” ?

    I’ve tried everything, but just can’t find the place to
    put this text.


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  • there is a drop down under ‘Display name publicly as:’

    riggie – Or, you just could go to Options > Captions , then look for “copyright notice” and replace %author% with YourDomain.com or whatever you want.

    Thread Starter riggie11


    I checked out both options, and thanks Jimmy, replacing the %author% tag with my domain name worked.

    Very cool.


    Jimmy, had not thought of that, works great, thanks!

    Denis, and sminc,

    After reading this thread again, I came across an issue I am struggling with currently. I like the header-background.jpg but I dislike not having the text on top for SEO. Would like the best of both worlds (as sminc appears to want).

    I would like to know how to do what Denis says here:
    “create a custom.css file and drop it into your theme directory..

    .custom #header,
    .custom #sitename,
    .custom #sitename h1
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;

    How do I make this file? Is this all the code that goes in it?

    ALSO.. Theres no way to put a .jpg (company logo) in front of the big text (the link to the homepage) in the default setup is there?




    Use a plain text editor (textpad.com for example) and paste the code into the file just exactly as Denis has it, then save the file as “custom.css”, force the .css extension over the usual .txt extension.

    I added the header.jpg file in there with the custom.css, and it worked, not as expected, but it worked. But I think I like the way it worked better than what I expected. It left the tag line at the top right above the header, This turns out to not look to badly.

    But if you look at the code, here is what you get for the title tag:

    <title>”tag line” | “weblog title”</title>

    so, the full tag line AND weblog title is still there for the SE’s to “see”.

    Not sure about your logo question, Denis will have to reply there.

    Thanks sminc.

    I’m sorry, but I have to say something on this, why is it that when someone downloads a theme, it’s more of a hassle to add “text” next to the copyright in the footer OR where ever it’s located, then it is to install it, itself?

    I mean Jesus! Either add this information in the readme file for download, or just make it a simple normal editing section of the “files”..like the footer.php file. BANG! That’s it! There you go! …then from there it can be changed..

    Can’t ya just use this as an example:

    <div id="footer"><!--start footer-->
    <p>&copy; 2005-2006 <a href="https://www.vindictivebastard.net">The Vindictive Bastard</a><br />
    Original Template Design by <a href="https://andreasviklund.com/blog/webdesign/new-template-andreas08/"> Andreas Viklund</a> | Theme Revamped by <a href="https://www.vindictivebastard.net">Spencerp</a> | Blog Powered by <a
    href='https://www.remarpro.com' title='Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform.'>
    </div><!--close footer-->

    </div><!--closes maincontainer (from header)-->
    <div class="clear"></div>


    background:#2d455a url(img/footerbg.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x;
    padding:5px 0;

    #footer p{padding:0; margin:0; text-align:center;}
    #footer a{color:#f0f0f0; background-color:inherit; font-weight:bold;}
    #footer a:hover{color:#ffffff; background-color:inherit; text-decoration: underline;}

    As far as I know, that’s what makes the footer in this A08r theme of mine:


    Or are you ppls trying to add “special” stuff to something simple and still can’t get it..? Just was wondering…and believe me….I wondered around here long enough and still this post past me three times….still with the same shit.. where you’re lost, rather then I..


    spencerp: denis’s stuff is basically a “fork” of wp. It doesn’t live by the same simple rules you are talking about.

    Oh..ah! Thanks for explaining that vkaryl. =) Sorry then for my sarcasm… =( However, you got me interested in this “fork”, where could one get it? Sorry, I wasn’t really intuned on getting something other then the Basic WP before or whatever.. =)

    I’d like to mess around with various things and or additions of WP. It’d be educational purposes of course lol.. =)


    Oy, lemme see if I still have a link around…. Oh right – nev’mind, it’s in Denis’s name, just click on it…. name not member link….

    Oh ok.. vkaryl. =) Will do.. =) Just ignore my last updated, edited p.s. section of last post then.. get carried away sometimes lol…


    (Removed it myself) =)

    @sencerp: It’s not a fork of wordpress. at best, a couple of wp funtionalities and template tags have been wrapped, to simplify the process of adding features to the theme.

    In the immense majority of cases, this means that a feature is a mere click away. Typically, if you enable/disable comments on a post, the comment-related stuff will show/disappear. In other themes, you’ll need to ‘manually’ remove a couple of them by editing your template.

    The downside is that a select couple of things are not easily changeable unless you happen to be a coder. In this particular case, it’s mostly lack of having read the documentation, probably because it is hard to find. The documentation states that the admin’s name is displayed, even if a bug in wp 2 makes it no longer work out of the box.

    In short, though, it’s a theme for Joe Average — Joe Hacker will have absolutely no use for it.

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