putting header, sidebar, and footer from default theme into…
i have seen many, many threads on this issue but none seem to word the question correctly i suppose. I have a script that is no way shape or form part of wordpress. it is its own file to do a specific job. all i want to do is display the default (as i am using the default theme for my blog) header image and full funcionality, the sidebar with full funcionality, and footer as well, i do not want posts or comments. the script is so complex that it would have to loaded using the url to its own file in the browser or by link “https://exampledomain/path/to/script.php”, i am trying to display all of that inside the script.php so when the link is clicked it will take me to script.php, and still look like my blog and still function like my blog. thats all i want, i know i made this long, but it’s more specific than anyone elses that ive seen basicly wanting the same thing they just dont know how to word it, and quite frankly neither do i.
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