• I put the wrong URL in settings/General because I was following directions on how to go live. Doing this it shut me out of both WP dashboard and my site findjobzz.com . So I went to wp forman and it sent me to the wp codex changing URL, four ways to do this. Being a beginner I went with the one that sends you to Host panel ( mine is hostgator) phpmyadmin/database and so on. I changed back to default. Now I can open the home page which is mixed with the login page and the page is all messed up. From there I can go to th other pages which seem fine except the login. When I hit login page it takes me back to the home page that’s all messed up.
    If I try to log in it just reloads that page. Can’t log in.

    When I try to login to my wp dashboard it does same thing, back to messed up home page. I did go back over the directions in phpmyadmin to make sure I did it right. Thanks Danny

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  • In my own experience, moving a database is not always simple and straightforward. Changing the URLs in the boxes at Settings > General prior to the move can result in a working site after the move has been completed, and here is a later substitute for that:

    UPDATE pref_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'https://www.olddomain.com', 'https://www.newdomain.com') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';
    UPDATE pref_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'https://www.olddomain.com', 'https://www.newdomain.com');
    UPDATE pref_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'https://www.olddomain.com', 'https://www.newdomain.com');
    note: Change above 'pref' to your own table prefix in three places and also change the old and new URLs in three places each and then run that code in your database at phpMyAdmin > SQL.

    Even after using the above, however, I have still had to go to Dashboard > Appearance > Menus to update any Custom Links…and it is also possible that you will need to delete and re-install any plugin using “absolute server path”.

    Thread Starter dannymays


    I’m not sure what you mean by moving the database?
    My host is hostgator, thats where I made the changes to get back to my WP dashboard.
    Where do I put the later substitute.

    Hello Danny,

    You can easily change the site name and site url from phpmyadmin directly.
    This will resolve the issue.

    Here is instructions on how to do this:

    Jordan Q

    Ah, it looks like I might have not understood…

    I put the wrong URL in settings/General because I was following directions on how to go live.

    Going live from where? Do you have the installation in a domain sub-folder or are you moving/migrating from local? If you are currently using something like domain.com/development, you will have to make that URL match the new location after having placed things where you want them.

    Thread Starter dannymays


    Hi Jordan, ok so where back to my original post. I did all that in phpmyadmin after I messed up the url on wp dashboard. I changed siteurl to https://findjobzz.com and home to https://findjobzz.com After I did this I can only get to a mixed up home page with a login that wont let me login. Still cant get to WP dash.
    If you put in findjobzz.com it will take you to the homepage (messed up)


    Ok I’d recommend doing a full search/replace in the WordPress database to ensure there is no trace of the old url anywhere in WordPress.

    Download and follow the instructions here:

    Give it a try and post your results.

    Jordan Q

    Thread Starter dannymays


    Jordan, I hate to drag this out but what exact addresses should T put in phpmyadmin/database/wp-options/ siteurl and home.
    I’m asking because I changed them to https://findjobzz/wp-admin in the siteurl and http:findjobzz in the home. I did have some success doing this. I got back to my wp dashboard. I went to settings/general and did that also. But it didn’t let me go to any pages (said page not found) It also kept popping time expired please login in. and finallily it went to that messed up home page and I couldn’t get back to the dashboard.

    This is why I’m thinking I’m putting in the wrong addresses. I would just like to try some simple things before I do that search and replace.

    Hi Danny,

    You should ONLY be putting the live domain in the site_url and home fields.
    For instance – if your live domain is https://findjobzz.com – then that is what you put there.

    Jordan Q

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