Put Most Recent Post in Certain Category Into a Spot on Template
The homepage for my client’s new WordPress site is filled mostly with static content. There is one spot, however, where the most recent post in a certain category (“news”) needs to be displayed. I understand how to create the news category, and add posts to the category.
What I am hoping someone can possibly help with is figuring out what code to put into the home page template in the spot where the most recent post of a certain category is supposed to appear.
Here is a link to the site in progress.
If you scroll to the bottom, you can see the spot where the most recent post and its parts need to be displayed.
Here is what the template looks like now, in the area where the most recent post needs to go.
<div class="section group"> <div class="col span_1_of_2" id="extra1"> <div id="featuredNewsSectionTitle"> Featured News </div> <div id="featuredNewsSectionPhoto col"> <img id="featuredNewsSectionPhoto" src="https://dansdemos.info/prelaunch/WorldClothingCorp_0705/wp-content/themes/WorldClothing354/images/featuredNewsPhoto.png"> </div> <div id="featuredNewsHeadline"> July 7<sup>th</sup> WordPress Challenge! </div> <div id="featuredNewsCommentCount"> 3 comments </div> <div id="featuredNewsDate"> July 7, 2013 </div> <div id="featuredNewsLedeText"> Featured News displayed in the lower left corner of the home page. This will be the most recent post in WordPress, with a category of News, including text, photo, title, date, number of comments, and a 'read more' link. <br><br> <b>The WordPress challenge</b> is: What code goes into the home-page template in this spot, to show the latest post in the news category from the WordPress database? This text here is hard-coded into the home-page template, I am hoping there might be some WordPress/PHP that can go into this spot. </div> <div id="featuredNewsReadMoreLink"> Read more </div> </div> <div class="col span_1_of_2" id="extra2"> <img src="https://dansdemos.info/prelaunch/WorldClothingCorp_0705/wp-content/themes/WorldClothing354/images/markets.png"> </div> </div>
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