Put images in populated items compatibility
If I use
// enable compatibility with theme custom menu walkers add_filter('jcs/enable_public_walker', '__return_false');
with this plugin that make a mobile menu
Responsive menu wordpressI can′t use this function in populated items for take thumbnails
add_filter( 'jcs/menu_item_args', 'jcs_menu_item_args', 10, 2); function jcs_menu_item_args($args, $item){ switch($item->object){ case 'page': // add blue 10 pixel image before the menu item name $args->link_before = '<img alt="" src="https://placehold.it/10x10/0000FF" />'; break; case 'term': // add green 10 pixel image before the menu item name $args->link_before = '<img alt="" src="https://placehold.it/10x10/00FF00" />'; break; case 'post': // add red 10 pixel image before the menu item name $args->link_before = '<img alt="" src="https://placehold.it/10x10/FF0000" />'; break; } return $args; }
There is another function or hack to make this??
thx for your time
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