
    Thank you for making this plugin available. I have slightly changed the CSS to give a flatter appearance. I would like to go one step further and have the banner push the page content down (when used in the top position) so that it appears above all current content until closed or timeout. I have seen it done elsewhere for cookie consent banners but haven’t been able to find a way to make yours do the same. What code should I modify and in what way to make this happen?

    Many thanks!



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  • Plugin Contributor bavington


    Hi JJUKJJ, is it our banner you currently have installed at the moment on your link above? Are you essentially just looking to nudge the entire body contents below the banner rather than be absolutely positioned on top?


    Thread Starter JJUKJJ


    Hi James,

    Thanks for coming back to me. I had your banner installed until lunchtime yesterday. Unfortunately time constraints meant I had to find another plugin (I should have launched YOURvoice on Monday!). I’m sure WP Cookie Banner would have been perfect had I been a more competent coder.

    You understood correctly. I was looking to nudge the entire body contents below the banner rather than have the banner be positioned on top. I felt that this would have been more consistent with modern flat design ideals. You’ll see that ‘Cookie Law Info’ which I am now using does exactly that. I’m still interested to hear your answer though so that I can learn for the future.

    And you may like to take a look at the video on the home page of my website. Hopefully you’ll be seeing and hearing a good deal more about YOURvoice https://yourvoiceparty.org.uk in the run up to the 2014 European Parlimentary elections!


    Plugin Contributor bavington


    Hey Julian,

    Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. Yes basically it would have just been a little fiddling required with the JavaScript to ensure the banner appears as the first thing after the opening body tag, rather than at the end (which is where the JavaScript puts it now).

    In theory you would have had to hacked the JS file in order to make it change where it comes out. It’s quite a valid point though – I Think now for 0.2 I’ll add an option to choose from different locations for the banner.

    Thanks so much for your feedback.

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