I am tinkering around everything I was able to do what you said just few minutes earlier. However I am wondering how was it done in the documentation?
I am not really asking about the result of the search, or the auto select, I am wondering how I can have the “purpose” as a button where it shows “Any – Sale – Rent”, just like the picture I attached earlier.
That was done in using the template, right? So I am assuming it is possible.
One more question here since we are on the topic; when on the map in elementor, I have changed the field_5 query to another “purpose” listing I have added, which is Off Plan.
Now this work fine in the default map, but not when I am using Google Maps, with an API key. Map shows fully blank.
Map is blank like that if there are no results and default location inside ocean or can be also wrong google maps configuration, try with free openstreetmaps or check in browser console you may seen some errors from google maps.
Related to first feature about Purpose: This feature we named tabs and is located in elementor when you edit search form, example:
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