I’m also experiencing the same issue. For me, it happens on some servers, not all.
1- Varnish is enabled, Breeze is on. On a private window, everything works normally.
2- Purge all cache through Breeze, new private window: grouped CSS and JS files are not found.
3- Purging again through Breeze does not help, purging only varnish on Breeze does not help. Logging in to Cloudways account and purging varnish manually through server settings does solve the problem.
– I also tested using other caching plugins, with varnish proxy configured correctly. Purging through those plugins does not work either.
– I tried disabling varnish and enabling again, no luck.
– Breeze purge function does not return any errors, just the success message.
Seems to be a problem with the server’s Varnish settings, but for me, everything is default. Could it be related to the latest Breeze update? I haven’t had a chance to try with the same setting using the previous version of Breeze but I don’t think this will solve it.