• jonsnetwork


    Purekonacoffee.net Please have a look at this new site and let me know what you think. We needed a site that was as easy to use as a blog, but not “bloggy”. Using WP as a CMS is working out well.

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  • Great use of Mimbo!

    Your site is a good example of a new tendency in web design that I’m a little unsure of (I mean this as constructive criticism because I like the site). The top 3/4 of the site feel professional and very functional but then it becomes as you say – bloggy.

    I’d work with your strengths. Shorten the excerpts in the middle bar so they are all the same size and don’t wrap the thumbnail (also get rid of this the ellipsis […])

    Then, get rid of the older posts widget. If you like you could put it in the footer. I’d put the Feed Burner widget there too (but you don’t really need it as you have a nicer looking email widget at the top which basically does the same thing.

    I think you’d find that your site will appear more even.

    Anyway, good luck – it’s a great site so far.

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