Purchase STRIPE Add On
I purchased the GIVE Donation Plugin –
Our website is: https://traleecoderdojo.orgDO I need STRIPE for visa card donations or does the basic plugin cater for visa card processing ??
Our priority is to establish a donations capability from this website direct to our Bank Account using either :
1) IBAN and or BIC
2) Visa CardsI am aware that there is a basic functional PayPal capability.
I have reviewed all the Plugin Instructions and Videos – those are sparse in establishing the full set up using a bank account. In fact may i be so bold as to recommend a video demonstrating how to link a bank account to Visa donations online. Thanks.
Can you please guide how i establish a donations capability from this website direct to our Bank Account using either :
1) IBAN and or BIC
2) Visa CardsDO I need STRIPE for visa card donations or does the basic plugin cater for visa card processing ??
Thanks allot – Regards Tralee CoderDoJo
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