Hi Sultan, yes I still need assistance. Below is the link to the funnel and I want to let you know I mainly use WP Funnels pro to create custom Checkout and Thank You page for my funnel. I connected Facebook pixel to WP Funnels in the “Events & Other Integrations” tab.
This is my funnel: Link
I will also include a link of a video and walk you through the problem: Video link
In the video you can see that a customer clicked to checkout on the pricing table.
Then clicked payment options and chose payment gateway, which is online banking in this case, although it can happen to all payment options.
Customer redirected to bank login page, and for whatever reason (something came up that needs attended to first) he decided to click cancel login or cancel payment, he will be brought back to the order cancelled page or he might just close the browser.
Sometimes they immediately click on the Facebook ads again and attempting to order again, the “Purchase” event will be fired immediately when he returns to the Checkout page. And if he completes the order by really paying this time, the “Purchase” event (the real purchase) will be fired again.
It will result in double “Purchase” events by a customer if they did complete the order, or a false purchase by a cart abandoner.
Hope you look into this matter ASAP as I see this occurring few times a week and it messes up my Facebook advertising.