The pulldown as you call it was always set to YAARP 120 * 120 for thumbnails. I do not know where 118 and 500 came from, but it did not work with those numbers there. I set them to zero then it worked like before. Maybe I just had to edit the widget a token time.
As for the media, I think I was considering long skinny thumbnails for better performance when pinned on Pinterest, but I ended up always going with squares because they look better especially on mobile and other social media. I would then include a long skinny image in some posts and pin that. Now I think I’m going full Yoast SEO and I believe he lets you specify which image to share on which social network so you can carefully crop 4+ images. Alas my blog has almost 1000 posts and I do not want to edit them all for search engine optimization purposes, and I don’t want to edit 4000 images.
I wanted it to run quicker so DISQUS and JetPack are out. Already the spammers have found out I am on plain jane WordPress comments again so I will be reading up on styling and fighting spam without using DISQUS/JetPack. I also have to make sure the content I have does look OK in social media so a simple square thumbnail is fine and looks good in your plugin. So thanks again, when I saw her original post I thought she might be having the same problem as me. After all these years, I think less is more for plugins, so Yoast’s mega plugin worries me but I don’t think it loads much except a few metatags on page load.