• Resolved aaronbennett2097


    Great plugin, really really good, but am wondering if it’s possible to have the thumbnail image pulled from a custom field rather than the featured image.

    Am also having a small problem getting the plugin to display the way I want – I need 4 posts in a row to be displayed across the width of a page, but justified (left post justified to left side of site, right post aligned to right side of the page. But hoping I can figure this out myself.

    Thanks for your help!


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  • Thread Starter aaronbennett2097


    Hi Jose.

    Just so I understand you and do it correctly, you want me to make the changes in the network-latest-posts.php?

    thank you thank you thank you!!

    Plugin Author Jose Luis SAYAGO


    Oops my bad!…

    Yes sorry I forgot to mention that, open network-latest-posts.php then look for those lines.

    $thumbnail_custom_field = get_post_meta($field->ID, $thumbnail_field, true); Lines: 510 & 716

    $thumb_html = "<img src='".$thumbnail_custom_field."' width='".$thumbnail_size[0]."' height='".$thumbnail_size[1]." />"; Lines: 513 & 719

    By the way if the_field doesn’t work, try with get_field instead.



    I have changed my custom thumbnail to be the image that I have uploaded through a function in my custom theme. It uploads a profile image of the blogger who wrote the post. But it doesn’t work.

    I have used this in another plugin that we have to change from because it’s not being updated any longer. I know this is the right field name, but still no image.


    Plugin Author Jose Luis SAYAGO


    Hello Michael,

    I’m wondering, where is your custom function saving data? as you can see solutions above work for default thumbnails and for thumbnails created using Advanced Custom Fields plugin.

    If this is not the case then you’d have to customize Network Latest Posts to pull data from the correct field. If you want me to help I’d need you to share the source code where you pick custom images and save it to the database (specifically which table).

    Looking forward to your feedback.

    Hello, thank you for your fast reply.

    It uses a javascript that uses WordPress own media-upload.php file.
    So I’m guessing the data is in the wp_posts table. Which is the reason it’s not working I suppose.

    Due to the situation I’m in, working as a consultant and doing this for a client, I can’t use the solution you provided for ACF. Since I can’t hard code stuff and loose the things I changed when you update the plugin.

    Can I add a default thumbnail function and use that instead maybe? How Does that work?

    Plugin Author Jose Luis SAYAGO


    Hi, I think if you save custom thumbnails into wp_postmeta then there is no need to change anything.

    Please take a look at this: Retrieve a Custom Field Thumbnail Url.

    As you can see there, they suggest doing this to get custom thumbnail URLs:

    <?php echo get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'thumb', true ) ?>

    That’s exactly the way NLP works, so, if for example your custom theme includes a field called “Post Thumbnail” then you just have to set the thumbnail_field like this:

    // Shortcodes
    [nlposts ..your parameters..
            thumbnail_field="Post Thumbnail"

    In case you’re embedding NLP into a custom template then:

    // Embedded
    $args = array(
          ...other params...
          'thumbnail' => 'true',
          'thumbnail_custom' => 'true',
          'thumbnail_field' => 'Post Thumbnail'
    network_latest_posts( $args );

    In theory what will happen is, NLP will look into wp_postmeta for the custom thumbnail URL saved into that field.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Okay, so if I understand you correctly I should change the way my form, that I have in functions.php saves the metadata about the author image.

    This is how the function that adds the extra fields on the options page of WordPress looks:

    /Extrainfo bloggare
    $new_general_setting = new new_general_setting();
    class new_general_setting {
    	function new_general_setting() {
    		add_filter('admin_init', array(
    		add_action('admin_init', array(
    	function register_fields() {
    		register_setting('general', 'profilbild', 'esc_attr');
    		add_settings_field('profil_bild', '<label for="profilbild">' . __('Profilbild', 'profilbild') . '</label>', array(
    		), 'general');
    		register_setting('general', 'toppbanner', 'esc_attr');
    		add_settings_field('topp_banner', '<label for="toppbanner">' . __('Toppbanner', 'toppbanner') . '</label>', array(
    		), 'general');
    	function load_scripts() {
    	function field_profilbild() {
    		$value = get_option('profilbild', '');
    		echo '<input type="text" id="profilbild" name="profilbild" value="' . $value . '" /><input type="button" id="upload_pic_button1" class="upload-button" value="L?gg till" />';
    <script type="text/javascript">
    	jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    	var uploadID = ''; /*setup the var*/
    	jQuery('.upload-button').click(function() {
       		uploadID = jQuery(this).prev('input'); /*grab the specific input*/
       		formfield = jQuery('.upload').attr('name');
        		tb_show('', 'media-upload.php?type=image&TB_iframe=true');
        		return false;
    	window.send_to_editor = function(html) {
       		imgurl = jQuery('img',html).attr('src');
        		uploadID.val(imgurl); /*assign the value to the input*/
    	function field_toppbanner() {
    		$value = get_option('toppbanner', '');
    		echo '<input type="text" id="toppbanner" name="toppbanner" value="' . $value . '" /><input type="button" id="upload_pic_button2" class="upload-button" value="L?gg till" />';

    Should I somewhere in here specify where in the database the image information should be saved?

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