Okay great, I put together a child theme for you that will do this:
Click here to download child theme
Here are the steps for activating the child theme:
- Visit your site’s dashboard
- Go to the Appearance menu
- Click on the “Add New” button at the top of the page
- Click on the “Upload Theme” button at the top of the page
- Click on the “Choose File” button
- Select the ignite-child.zip file you downloaded from the link above
- Click “Install Now”
- Once the page reloads, click the blue “activate” link
The post author name and date will now show below the post title.
Don’t be alarmed if the site looks different with the child theme active. This is just because the Customizer settings need to be copied over. You can use the Customizer Export/Import plugin to quickly copy your settings from the Ignite theme to the Ignite Child theme.