I don’t want peeps to leave with unpleasant feelings, I think it’s just a sensitive subject ??
On the gravatars, your gravatar is yours, to personalise how you like, while people like myself would prefer not to see company logos and motifs, they are allowed and to a certain level tolerated.
The example where you linked to with a company name in their name section, makes many folks here very uncomfortable, while there is no overriding policy it’s something that is very much being discussed.
Currently the only actively enforced policy is regarding promoting business, the definition of which is up to interpretation by mods. If someone was to change their name to Awesome Balls Company with their Gravatar to their company logo and then posted a link, to say a resource on their own site, or referenced their company then I suspect mods would act differently to them then say someone called Yehdah with a cartoon Gravatar posting the same content. Regardless if either party posted sales pitch etc they would be treated the same way.
As Jan said it’s a line, and a judgement call, but there would be far more leeway given to those who don’t push the line so to speak. So you can expect a better reaction from Mods if you post as yourself and not your company, hopefully this thread when seen from that light will appear less hostile.
Personally and this is a personal opinion, I think when companies and individuals use company logos and company names as usernames it looks incredibly tacky and spammy. So far from being a promotional tool, it would put me off.
On the flip side, I have seen some great corporate branding with Gravatar, like Yoasts team, with their individual cartoon Gravatars, which are very memorable and quite professional looking.
Hopefully that makes sense, as I said at the start its a sensitive and an active conversation.