Publicize Not Working Again
Is anyone else out there getting publicize issues again? My site has been up and running just fine through yesterday’s posting which was around 4pm. I just saw a comment that the Jetpack support team isn’t around until the 26th? I’m concerned only because it seems like something has shifted with the publicize. I had to manually push through my post today to get it to go out to the subscribers and to the social media. Thus the manual publicize worked fine. Just not the scheduled ones. My post was scheduled at 3:30pm today. It posted at 3:35 pm on my site, but no subscriber emails and no social media posts. I then deleted it from my site and set it up again at 4:30. Same thing happened within a few minutes. It posted just fine to my site, but did not go out to the subscribers or the social media. I disconnected Jetpack and reconnected it afterwards and hoped that might help for tomorrow’s posting, but in the meantime, I manually pushed my post out and at least for that, the subscriptions went out just fine. Has anyone else experienced publicize issues today and is using Jetpack. And if so, was your post scheduled? Thanks!
Thanks for the update, Andrew! The debug results will provide us with more information about your site. Those are sent to us via email, and we’ll followup with you in response to that message.
Thanks again for your help and patience so far. We’ll get to the bottom of this!
Ryan, I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be updating my status over here… but this is what I have as of late from GoDaddy because Richard from Jetpack was suggesting that it is a GoDaddy issue:
——-UPDATE – I spoke for an hour to GoDaddy. They are not seeing any issues with the Cron. They did restart it as per my request. They have not had any issues with any of there users of Managed WordPress as I have been describing. They did send me this:
Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems – it will run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals. WordPress’ wp-cron is, essentially, a virtual cron job that only works when the page is loaded; wp-cron is first loaded by WordPress when a page is requested on the front or backend.
( Front End == request a page on the site. Back End == wp-admin, which is the backend of the application)
SolutionsSome people have taken to using Cron Tab to schedule their wp-cron.php file being used. This is a work around to the problem of the wp-cron only loading when a request has been made. This allows the application to use the built in virtualized Cron function using a time-based method.
This kind of solution can be helpful when a customer is trying to use scheduled posts, but the posts keep missing their schedule. It is not that the wp-cron is broken, it is most likely there just wasn’t a request at the time the ‘cron’ was supposed to fire.AND, they said that if Jetpack is using a Virtual Cron job, that it most likely is coming from Jetpack and not them. But their system admin ran tests on the cron job and did all the backend issues they needed to do and found nothing wrong. So I’m back to my point before, that I believe this is dealing with the Jetpack software and not my site… what do you advise to do next?
So I’m not sure what to do now other than hope that Jetpack will figure this out. GoDaddy is telling me it’s not their issue and you guys are telling me it’s GoDaddy. So I have no clue Ryan what to do here. But GoDaddy is not having any issues with any of their users or with the cron job. They even checked their error logs and such to make sure there were no issues.
I’m still on the page that this is a Jetpack software issue, but now I don’t know what to do…
@jeherve @kraftbj Jerrmey/Brandon, I know you both have helped me in the past month or so with the missed schedule publicize issue. I’m not sure if you’ve seen what I’ve reported in the past few weeks. I’m bringing you two into this because i have had great success with the both of you with help. I haven’t heard back from @ryancowles yet, but Richard through jetpack email support has said that my error is with GoDaddy. If you read the previous posting I just put in here, I spoke with GoDaddy and they checked everything and even ran a test cron, which worked fine. They have not had any other user report this issue and thus I don’t believe it’s a GoDaddy issue as Richard suggested. Up until 2 weeks ago, I was operating fine which @kraftbj helped me to get to that point. While my blog did post and publicize a little late (sometimes 15 to 20 minutes) it always got out there to social media and subscribers. But for two weeks now, ever since @jeherve had put out the no jetpack support message (that specific day), my scheduled postings haven’t worked. This coincided with the Jetpack 4.3 updates but yet Richard has said this is a GoDaddy thing. I spent over an hour on the phone with GoDaddy and they are maintaining it has nothing to do with them as they did a ton of testing. They are saying that if Jetpack uses a virtual cron for the publicize it’s coming from them. So I am dead in the water here with this issue. I’m hoping that either of you can help get to the root of this. Today, when my posting was scheduled at 9am, until Richard went to my site at 9:45am, the blog just never made it to my site. He triggered it at 9:45 and it showed up but the publicize never happened. He checked your logs and showed the error, but then maintained it was GoDaddy’s issue. I’m not sure why the monitor is not working for me now, but this is basically where I’m at now. Thanks in advance for your help getting to the root of this. I really am feeling frustrated because everyone seems to be pointing the finger at someone else and I don’t know how to fix this? ??
As Richard mentioned to you via email, the problem is indeed related to GoDaddy. That problem is also most likely what’s causing your other scheduling problems.
We’re working with them to help solve that issue. Richard will reply as soon as soon as we receive a reply from GoDaddy about this.
If you have more questions or remarks, I would encourage you to reply to Richard’s email; it will be easier for us to help you if you give us all the information in one place.
Thank you!
@jeherve Jeremy thanks for chiming in. Well I thought the issues were limited only to scheduling. But today it was related to a manual publish and that’s a concern because that’s been my only backup to getting around these issues going on. How could that relate to a Cron issue because that’s what Richard said your developers were working on? In other words, how could my subscribers not getting their email in a manual publish, as well as me disconnecting from Jetpack and trying to reconnect and having major issues getting back on, be related to a Cron issue with GoDaddy when Cron only I thought affects scheduled blogs and not manually published ones? And me disconnecting to Jetpack and reconnecting does not deal with Cron either right?
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
Andrew Arthur Dawson.
@jeherve Jeremy I also forgot to mention in my response to you that I wanted to keep at least this thread going with updates for tracking purposes. I hope that’s ok since it’s not resolved. But if you could at least answer the questions I posted in the response just before this one, I’d greatly appreciate it because I’m not sure if all these issues relate to GoDaddy as you suggested? I can see how the Cron could be, but how could me deactivating and reactivating jetpack and a manual publish that doesn’t get the comments out the first time connect to a GoDaddy cron issue? I hope I”m not being a pain about this, but I just have had so many issues going on lately with Jetpack/GoDaddy and I would greatly like to see them fixed and go back to a low maintenance site that I had. ??
Could you send those updates to Richard via email? He’ll be able to reply to you, as he now has more information about your site, its configuration, and the different things you’ve tried together.
Thank you.
@jeherve I just wanted to make an update here since the latest version of jetpack was released. I still am having the same SCHEDULED blog issue. The blog posts on my site, but the publicize does not go out to my subscribers nor the social media I use. I have to still manually publish to get it all to work. I was told by the Happiness Engineers through email that they hoped it was resolved in the new version, but alas it isn’t. ?? So the issue still stands with whatever is going on between GoDaddy and Jetpack. I spoke for over 3 hours to GoDaddy today who still maintains that their cron system is fine and that the issue is not on their end. I must say I really am frustrated because I have such a simple site and run very few plugins and up until Jetpack 4.3.1 and WordPress 4.6.1 I never had ANY issues, not even with scheduled blogs. At this point, I don’t know what to do. What’s more frustrating is that I have a bunch of questions that end up taking a considerable amount of time for response through email, usually several days, and ultimately I would like to give you guys a backup copy or SSH access to figure this out, but I have questions surrounding doing that. I just don’t want to keep waiting days to see a response. I wish you guys had paid access so that I could talk to someone and resolve these things far easier. Nevertheless, I’m rambling, and just looking for a little more direction on how to see this scheduled blog things finally get resolved. ??
the latest version of jetpack was released. I still am having the same SCHEDULED blog issue.
If you sent us an email with your remarks, we’ll rely to you and help you fix this problem.
What’s more frustrating is that I have a bunch of questions that end up taking a considerable amount of time for response through email, usually several days
Sorry about that. I’m afraid that’s a side-effect of how our support system; we reply to all tickets, from the oldest to the newest. Every time you send us an additional email before we get the chance to reply, your ticket gets pushed back to the end of the queue, thus making response time that much longer.
The only way around that right now is to wait for our reply before to send a new email.Thanks!
@jeherve I understand about the delay, but this issue has been going on now for over a month and I have done nothing to cause this. Wouldn’t this take a higher priority to fix by you guys. The frustrating this is that I’d be willing to pay to get this resolved by you guys and so much of my questions would be resolved in about 5 minutes of a phone call, but you guys don’t offer phone support. ??
Nevertheless,here are my outstanding questions:
1. Can you take over handling this case and track it on here rather than through email?
2. If you have my SSH access or my backup, do you bring my information into your own test platform and not affect my own live website?
3. I’m assuming you won’t be using my social media or subscribers to post to in your testing right?
4. Do you guys have a test platform with GoDaddy to use with my information?
5. Have you been made aware of others who are having this scheduled blog issue, especially with GoDaddy?Sincerely,
andrewWouldn’t this take a higher priority to fix by you guys.
It’s definitely a high priority for us, and we’ve in fact just released a Jetpack update to fix those kinds of issues. Unfortunately, it seems that didn’t solve the issue on your own site. I’m afraid it shows that a simple 5 minute phone call wouldn’t be enough to fix the problem on your site. We’ll need to do more testing.
Can you take over handling this case and track it on here rather than through email?
I’m afraid not, for a few different reasons:
- You’ve already tried many things with my colleagues, but I don’t have the full history of what you may have tried because it seems you opened different tickets, from different email addresses. As a result, the person you’re talking to right now will know a lot more about your current situation.
- At this point, and as you suggested, we’d need to run some tests with you. We can’t be exchanging private information about your site here on these forums. I think Email is a much better medium for such testing.
2. If you have my SSH access or my backup, do you bring my information into your own test platform and not affect my own live website?
3. I’m assuming you won’t be using my social media or subscribers to post to in your testing right?I can’t tell what my colleagues and you have tried so far, so I can’t really say. One thing is for sure: we won’t post to your site or notify your subscribers on your behalf without running it by you first. In most cases, it should be enough if you were running the tests when publishing a new post yourself.
4. Do you guys have a test platform with GoDaddy to use with my information?
We do indeed have test sites with GoDaddy.
5. Have you been made aware of others who are having this scheduled blog issue, especially with GoDaddy?
Yes, and I believe you’ve talked about this with some of my colleagues already.
At this point, I’m afraid I can only recommend that you keep investigating and testing with one of my colleagues. They are in the best position to help you, as they know everything you’ve tried so far.
@jeherve Can I ask a simple question about Cron as that seems to be my lack of understanding with all this and what causes my scheduled blogs to not be working correctly.
Basically what I want to know is this. Is the Cron something that runs on a server for everyone on that server who uses wordpress? GoDaddy’s telling me today that Cron is something specific for each person’s wordpress and that I can modify it, which of course I would have no idea what to do to modify it. I’m just seeking a little more understanding that really is not something I want to tie the email people up with. So I figured you might be able to help me understand this.
Today for example, I scheduled a blog at 1pm to see if possibly anything changed somehow. Interestingly enough, I couldn’t even get the blog itself to show up on my site. It remained in “Missed schedule” status even when I went to my site for 10 to 15 minutes straight, in private windows and all, and even when I went into my dashboard. I ended up having to change the time to something earlier for that blog and just manually published it to make it work. So for that which I am talking about in this example, how is Cron supposed to be working and where it that stored? Is that specific to just my managed wordpress account or is that something more to all of GoDaddy on the server I’m on there?
I hope you can help me understand this better. I truly thank you for this. Also, could you let your team know I’m ready to give them SSH access or the backup copy of my site for your testing purposes on your end, I just need to know how to get that over to you safely. They still haven’t responded to my email from me letting them know the scheduled postings still don’t work.
And again, I’m sorry for the multiple emails, my client email occasionally changes my from address without me realizing it…
Is the Cron something that runs on a server for everyone on that server who uses wordpress?
That depends on your WordPress configuration. You may have changed the default Cron configuration, or your hosting provider (GoDaddy) may have.
That’s something my colleagues should be able to help you figure out, since they know more about your site than I do.
@jeherve I just wrapped up a phone call with GoDaddy and they are now stating that the file, WP-Cron.php, is not modified or handled by them or on their server. They do not touch it or do anything with it. They said that if there are any scheduled posting issue, it’s definitely with that file and it’s something that only a plugin would affect from the default. So in my case, the only plugin I’m using that affects WP-Cron.php is Jetpack. So I don’t know what to do. Is there any type of plugin I can run that modifies this file that might be able to work in Tandem with Jetpack to get my scheduled blogs working? I’m sorry for bothering you on this, but even this small support stream I’m having with you would normally take about 2 weeks of time to go back and forth through email and I’m fresh out of answers on how to get my site working again. And I go back to what I originally said, on September 13th, 2016, my blog posted fine with the scheduled blog. On September 14th, this was when my scheduled blogs stopped working and they have not been working ever since. The only thing that changed between those days was the release of the new Jetpack which did modify WP-Cron.php. I feel so helpless with this right now and would just like to have any suggestions you have for other plugins to get this working, or any plugin to see what’s causing this problem. Someone told me about wp-control but I have no idea if that would do anything or not, given I don’t have much understanding of this whole process anyway… Forgive for my persistence, but please see this from my perspective in that i’m placing trust and faith in Jetpack to resolve this, and GoDaddy is telling me it’s not them and never has been, yet you guys are saying it’s a GoDaddy thing. So I don’t know what to do anymore.. ??
you guys are saying it’s a GoDaddy thing
I can’t tell you if that’s a GoDaddy thing, as I don’t have enough information about your site to conclude anything.
If you contacted us via email with some questions, we’ll get back to you soon with more steps to find out what’s going on.
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
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