Publicize is not working for me on
It looks like the module isn’t properly activated on your site at the moment. Could you go to Jetpack > Settings in your dashboard and deactivate then reactivate the module?
Once you’ve done so, try resetting each one of your Publicize connections here:
Let me know how it goes.
Error parsing input URL, no data was cached, or no data was scraped.
I was able to reproduce this issue, but when asking Facebook Crawler to browse one of your posts again, the error disappears, and Facebook was able to grab details from the post’s Open Graph Meta Tags:
This may happen because your site wasn’t publicly accessible when Facebook first tried to crawl the post. It could also happen if your site goes down or becomes too slow whenever you publish a new post; that would explain why Facebook’s crawler, one of the first visitors to your posts as it’s invited to come by Publicize, wasn’t able to gather data.
I’d suggest trying to publish a new post, and checking if Facebook Debug still reports the error. If it does, you can review your list of active plugins and disable anything that you don’t use and that is triggered every time a post is published. Anything that can make things a bit easier for your site when you publish a new post could help.
I hope this helps.
fb:app_id hasn’t been included in the meta tags.
When you share a post on Facebook, or when Jetpack Publicize publishes a post to your Facebook page, Facebook crawls the page and looks for Open Graph meta tags in the head to build a complete post preview (with an image, title, description, …).
Jetpack automatically creates these Open Graph Meta tags for you unless you already use another Open Graph plugin, in which case we let the other plugin handle things. Looking at your site, you seem to be using the Yoast SEO Premium plugin to manage these tags on your site.
To add an App ID to your Open Graph Meta tags, you can go to SEO > Social > Facebook in your dashboard.