Publicize doesn’t work
I am having trouble Publicizing my posts to social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Google+). It happened suddenly in the last 10 days, in the meanwhile I did not install any other plugin that can create conflict issues.
I checked the Jetpack Open Graph Tags and they are there, I also checked Facebook debug, I’m not sure, but it looks like they are ok.
The site is
Thanks for your help
Sorry! I did get the message, but couldn’t respond immediately and then forgot to. I will say that I was just looking at my Jetpack and it says it’s version 4.3.1, which is weird, because I purposefully never updated it, so it must have happened without my realizing it. It actually has been working lately (I have no idea what happened??), but I know I’m going to be scared to update Jetpack the next time that needs to happen. But anyway, I just followed the instructions further up on the feed to get 4.2.2 from @enricamatt:
“ and download 4.2 version. Then, on your blog control panel, disinstall Jetpack (or you can just erase all the files in the jetpack plugin folder using a ftp software like Filezilla), reinstall the zip 4.2 folder as usual. Remember to avoid upgrades in the next days.”
So I deactivated the Jetpack I had, and I downloaded and activated the one I wanted.
you could help me understand how you went backwards to 4.2.2.
@andrewarthurdawson The simplest way to get back to a previous version would be to use the WP Rollback plugin: won’t fix your problems, though. If GoDaddy replied to you that they fixed the issues, and if you still have trouble with Publicize on your site, I would suggest that you reply to the last email you received from us, so we can look into this further.
Thank you.
@ryancowles I didn’t receive any support email after I sent Jetpack’s Debugger module.
@enricamatt I don’t see any email from the email address linked to your account in our system. Could you try to contact us again, this time via this form?
@jeherve I just did it. Do you receive it?
@jeherve I have been sending emails to both Valerie and Richard and the support email address in general and have gotten no response. The last thing I got was that your developers were working on the issue with GoDaddy (that came from Richard) and then I got something that your developers weren’t able to recreate the issue with a Managed WordPress test site you guys have (from Valerie). I responded to both and haven’t received anything back. I just sent a new email as well and hope that this one will be responded to. Ultimately my biggest question is wondering if the developers are testing using the beta software with Managed WordPress versus using the existing software 4.3.1. Nevertheless, this all ultimately comes down to the fact that three weeks ago the scheduled blogs just stopped working and I had done nothing on my end to cause this. I agree that it’s either GoDaddy or Jetpack or a combination of both in communication, but neither is something I can change and GODaddy continues to tell me their Cron is running fine. So I am dead in the water with scheduled blogs until Jetpack/GoDaddy is worked out with whatever the problem is? ??
@enricamatt I don’t see any emails from the account linked to your site at the moment. Is it possible that you sent them from a different email address?
I have been sending emails to both Valerie and Richard and the support email address in general and have gotten no response.
@andrewarthurdawson It looks like my colleagues Carolyn and James replied to some of your questions on Friday, and earlier today. I can’t find your exchanges with Richard and Valerie, as it looks like you used a different email address for those emails. In general, I would recommend against sending multiple emails, from different email addresses, and posting in multiple threads in the support forums for a single issue; you won’t get a faster reply if you send multiple requests. On the contrary, it might be more difficult to help you if the information is spread across multiple emails.
I just sent a new email as well and hope that this one will be responded to.
Was this a new email, or a reply? If you’d like to get an update, I’d recommend replying to Richard’s email and ask for news. At this point I don’t believe you need to add more details or examples; a simple email asking for news should be enough.
Thank you.
@jeherve Jeremey sorry about that, I need to check the email “from” field when I send it. For some reason it changes at times and I don’t know why. My main email is the one I use for WordPress and that’s [email address removed] I have two other emails I occasionally use but sometimes they get screwed up in the “From” field. Regardless, it was a reply earlier today to valerie and Richard together using the email address I just put out there, checking on the status. The last contact I received on the open issue was on Saturday morning from Valerie, but I responded with the same email and got not response. I wasn’t truly sure of the status based upon her response. Regardless, I think I’m just frustrated right now at this issue and feeling that I’m powerless to change it and that it’s in your guys and GoDaddy’s court to figure it out. ??
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
James Huff.
@thebandarblog Have you updated to the new version of Jetpack and tried the scheduled blogs? Does it work? I still am down on the scheduled blogs side of things and am wondering if you or anyone else is dealing with scheduled blog issues still in the latest version.
Yeah, I mentioned what happened a few comments above: “I will say that I was just looking at my Jetpack and it says it’s version 4.3.1, which is weird, because I purposefully never updated it, so it must have happened without my realizing it. It actually has been working lately (I have no idea what happened??), but I know I’m going to be scared to update Jetpack the next time that needs to happen”
Like I said – don’t know when it got updated to the current version, but it’s current, and it’s working so I have no clue what’s going on. Sorry to hear yours still isn’t ??
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
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