Your Related Posts appear to work properly on my end now:
Do you still experience issues? If so, could you try using our beta plugin? You can find a download link and instructions here:
Once you install and activate the beta plugin, go to Jetpack -> Jetpack Beta and choose “Tagged Beta Releases” and make sure the “Auto-Update Jetpack when new betas are available” is checked and click the “Save my choice” button.
After you’ve installed it, and if the problem remains, let me know!
@ersaloz Related Posts appear to be working on your site as well:
Publicize, however, did indeed fail. Could you try the steps I posted above to install Jetpack Beta? If that doesn’t help, could you please start your own thread as per the Forum Welcome?
Thank you!
@diskmandotnet I can’t seem to find any support ticket from the email address linked to your account. Did you use a different email when you contacted us?
no publicize notices going out to our twitter account and no subcsriber notifications going out when new posts are made.
Could you try the following:
1) Go the Jetpack menu in your dashboard
2) Click on “My Jetpack” at the top of the page.
3) Click on “Disconnect Site from” if your site is currently connected to
4) Confirm the disconnection.
5) Click on the Connect button to connect your site to again.
Once you’ve done so, try installing the Jetpack Beta plugin as I mentioned above. If that doesn’t help with your Publicize issues, could you let me know by starting your own thread, as per the Forum Welcome?
Thank you!
New Subscribers get notice saying confirmation link has expired when they are new to subscribe to the blog.
I tried using the form on your site, and it seems to be working properly. I subscribed to your blog, and you can now see my email address in your subscriber list.
It’s worth noting that confirmation emails are only sent once, so if you previously attempted to subscribe but never clicked on the link in the confirmation email, you won’t receive a new email if you use the subscription form again today.
You can confirm your pending subscription here:
If you’d like, you can send me an email via this contact form and mention this thread, as well as a few examples of the email addresses that didn’t receive a confirmation email. I’ll be happy to take a look at our email logs to find out what happened.