• stickFinger



    I′ve just made the brazilian language translation and would like to know if you Tareq could inserted on future distros?

    Also noticed that there were some strings missing from the provided .po default ans so I had to hardcoded translate them in wpuf-dashboard.php file.

    Around line 190 ` <?php
    } else {
    printf( __( ‘Nenhum %s encontrado’, ‘wpuf’ ), $post_type_obj->label );
    do_action( ‘wpuf_dashboard_nopost’, $userdata->ID, $post_type_obj );

    do_action( ‘wpuf_dashboard_bottom’, $userdata->ID, $post_type_obj );

    and around line 80 <div class="post_count"><?php printf( __( 'Você criou <span>%d</span> %s', 'wpuf' ), $dashboard_query->found_posts, $post_type_obj->label ); ?></div>

    Thanks for such usefull plugin


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