• Hello, we want to provide two files to the buyers of one of our ticket types. Additionally to the ticket PDF they shall get access to a video file and a PDF file.

    How can we make this possible? I was thinking of simply adding links to those files to the Client Order Completed Email, but because we are selling different ticket types and only one ticket type is eligible for getting the files, this is not a working solution.

    Also I checked if there is an add-on for this, we have subscribed to the Tickera Bundle plan, but as it seems there is none.

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  • Currently, that is not possible. However, that is something our developers have on their roadmap and which should be integrated in the future versions of Tickera.

    Thread Starter w-sky


    This is good news! We are looking forward. For now, we have found a solution which works, however is not perfect: We created a password protected page on our site and added the link and the password to our ticket template.

    The problem is of course that the buyer could easily share link and password and it’s the same for every buyer, we can not really control who will get access … but our files are not the main thing in the transaction, just a small addition with information about the event. Also we can change the password from time to time.

    I sent your report to our developers.
    We will let you know as soon as our developers finish with the feature.

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