• ogonex


    I have proposition, what can be added to the new versions.
    Support for older WordPress version. I checked this plugin on 4.3.1 and after change wpmin in the php file all work correctly.
    Add ability to export author’s name’s and user’s comments.

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  • Plugin Author Rick Hellewell


    Thanks for your comments.

    The reason that the plugin has a 4.6 version minimum is so that it will work reliably on a multisite. There are differences in pre-4.6 and 4.6+ in how you get an array of sites and loop through them. The pre-4.6 code is much more complex to do, and doesn’t work reliably, according to my research.

    So, while pre-4.6 might work OK on a single/non-multisite installation, in order for the plugin to work well on multisites, I decided on the 4.6+ minimum requirement.

    As to an enhancement to export author names and comments, that might be possible. But I have found, through testing it on multiple sites, that the plugin is not the best way to do the export.

    For an export of all posts, ordered by oldest to newest, and that will work with all themes, the best way is to create a copy of the theme’s post template, and do several things:

    – adjust the query to get all posts
    – remove pagination code
    – remove header/sidebars/footer calls
    – remove any theme-specific classes

    So the template should be a ‘bare-bones’ template. Once you have that template, create a blank page, specify your template, and ‘visit’ the page. At that point, do a File, Save As in your browser to save an HTML version (single file) of the posts.

    THat process is what has worked best to export a site into a format that can be turned into an ebook.

    Of course, there are potential issues. If your posts have pictures, then you will need to do some templating of those pix. I output them in a two-column table, as two-wide-pix will look OK on a printed book. And if you want comments, then you will need to adjust the template to include comments (and remove any CSS classes).

    So, this plugin was an attempt to make things easier. It does, to a point, but the process is not without a lot of work. Even when I get a bare-bones HTML file, I have to spend hours formatting it to get a nice-looking printed copy. I have created books that are about 250-300 pages, and I spend at least an hour per 10 pages of final printed copy. But the result is quite nice.

    Hope this helps. Enjoy the plugin. Or ‘roll your own’ by creating a bare-bones template.

    (Sorry for the length….)


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