• avanimisra



    I’m working on a wordpress theme that you can preview at my blog (under development!). I was wondering if I should try developing this a theme-for-release, so to speak – I am inclined to, at the moment. I will have to be less lazy about the way I edit the wpframework theme, so the earlier I decide, the better for me – and any potential users ??

    I’d appreciate any suggestions or thoughts here. I know it’s very simplistic at the moment, and I’m hoping to get away with that by saying it is deliberate. The theme can easily accommodate either a right sidebar or some space at the bottom reserved for links to blog rolls, categories, archives, and what not – the absence of this in the current setup might be the immediate criticism that jumps to mind.

    Of course, if anyone has a pointer to a theme that’s already there and severely similar in look-and-feel (I can’t remember any, but I haven’t browsed around much, really), then this would be rendered redundant and I will refrain from trying to add to all the spaghetti. ??

    Also, I’ll be very grateful if someone can test this out on IE/Safari for me. I haven’t had a chance to even look at it on these browsers, and I’m, err… curious to know if it holds up or if it’s a complete mess.


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  • t31os


    It’s pretty nice, not my cup of tea personally, but i still like it…

    The one thing that i don’t like is this image, it just doesn’t look right to me…


    I know these ribbons are quite popular, but i think (personally), they just look messy and i don’t think it compliments the look at all.

    There are some padding issues with the side tabs in IE7 and the text in those tabs also skews off to the right a little at the bottom.

    IE5.5 the tabs again are worse off then with IE7, and there’s also a huge empty box that creates lots of scrolling, i imagine this is 100% height element of some kind (i could be wrong).

    IE6, again tabs and a phantom big empty space…

    IE7 comes off best but has a few minor issues with the tabs..

    Not tested IE8, but i’m sure someone can post the results for you, there must be at least 1 IE8 user here… ??



    Nice theme. Really nice but not something that I could use.

    But – by the way, the images (e.g. email.png etc aren’t displayed on the Contact page).


    Thread Starter avanimisra



    Ah! Thanks for the detailed IE report. So I am not sure I’m going to kill myself over getting it work with IE5.5 (unless I look to make this a theme for submission)… and I think the empty space can be fixed with a IE hack of some kind (and no, I’m not sure what’s causing it at this point).

    I haven’t put in too much work just yet, really – this is simply based on a 3-column layout from the CSSplay website (it was just that, it had three equal-height columns, a header and a footer), and I’ve pushed it on top of the wpframework theme. I’ve not edited the themes base.css file beyond what I needed for the colors and the fonts, so it’s possible there is some conflict that needs to be resolved.

    I planned to remove the ribbon from the top anyway, but I’ll probably keep it to separate the footer from the rest of the website. I think I need something stronger than a 1px border (although that’s worth looking at, as an alternative). I will confess, however, that the particular choice of the ribbon was just to keep with the trend ??

    Thanks very much for taking the time off to look at this, and especially for the IE test results. I do hope IE8 deals with it reasonably. I’m glad you like the design to some extent ??


    Thread Starter avanimisra



    Thank you! It’s good to know you like it ??

    And I’ve fixed the images, thanks for the heads up… I’d exported this from a local install, and I’d written the page out and saved it while it was installed locally, so the links to the image sources were not updated. It should be just fine now.


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