Proposed Fix for Multiple Recaptchas on one Page
Please consider changing the “functions.php” like this in order to enable having multiple ReCaptchas on one page:
Step 1)
Change the registration of the Google ReCaptcha API Script to include the parameters “render=explicit&onload=onRecaptchaOnloadCallback” (This disables the automatic rendering of the reCaptcha and calls the function “onRecaptchaOnloadCallback” when the api script is fully loaded).
In order to also have the possibility to have a specific language, you could change the functions like this:if ( !wp_script_is( 'anr-google-recaptcha-script', 'registered' ) ) { $language = trim(anr_get_option( 'language' )); $lang = ""; if ( $language ) { $lang = "&hl=$language"; } $explic = "render=explicit&onload=onRecaptchaOnloadCallback"; wp_register_script( 'anr-google-recaptcha-script', "$explic$lang", array(), '2.0', true ); }
Step 2)
add a function to the wp_footer hook to insert the function to render all the reCaptchas:add_action('wp_footer','load_recaptcha_for_all'); function load_recaptcha_for_all(){ ?> <script> var onRecaptchaOnloadCallback = function(){ jQuery( '.g-recaptcha' ).each( function( index, element ) { // Ensure field is empty before rendering CAPTCHA if( jQuery( this ).is( ':empty' ) ) { // Site key var site_key = jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-sitekey' ); // CAPTCHA theme var theme = jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-theme' ); var size = jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-size' ); // Native DOM element var el = jQuery( this ).get( 0 ); // Render CAPTCHA grecaptcha.render( el, { 'sitekey': site_key, 'theme': theme, 'size': size } ); } }); }; </script> <?php }
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