• Many thanks for making this versatile theme available and for frequently updating it.
    It is a most useful tool for WordPress-developers.

    May I suggest the following minor improvements to improve your theme slightly?

    It might be useful to distinguish the following notions more strictly.

    1. Widget prototype / widget model / widget type
    2. Widget instance
    3. Widget area

    On the dashboard page Appearance > Widgets, this useful distinction is not applied in the naming of widget areas. Therefore, I suggest renaming at least the following widget areas to reduce ambiguity.

    1. Home Widget 1 >> Home Widget Area 1
    2. Home Widget 2 >> Home Widget Area 2
    3. Home Widget 3 >> Home Widget Area 3
    4. Colophon Widget >> Colophon Widget Area
    5. Top Widget >> Top Widget Area
    6. Footer Widget >> Footer Widget Area

    Yours Truly,
    Henri Crijns

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