Proper Redistribution of GPL Plugins & Protection of Addional Code
Hi Everyone :),
So I would like to create a plugin which uses other plugins. Those plugins have GNU GPL V.2 licenses, which as I understand it means that even if we sell it (OR ITS MODIFICATIONS?) we have to also provide the source-code for free. Is that right?The thing is that I hope to develop this into a much more significant plugin which, while utilizing those GPL source codes, would NOT be GPL but instead would be copy-protected.
Is there a way to protect the modifications or additional coding?
Does it make a difference how the code is used? Examples:
#1. If the the whole plugin is one file, but the GPL code is marked and labeled with PHP comments that include its license, can the surrounding new code be considered separate if it references those functions?
#2. What if the new code is created in a separate file but part of the same plugin? Could the GPL plugin files be GPL and my own additional files be copyright protected?
OR #3. What if the GPL plugins are only used in small sections, for example I create my new plugin and only copy out specific functions which are relevant to the new plugin? Do I have to label them in the file as GPL, or do I have to make the WHOLE file GPL?
I understand that GPL is about freedom, but is it freedom for the software to always remain free NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT’S MODIFIED? At what point does using GPL code become freedom for developers to protect their works?-(Does it ever?).
Aside Note: I’m all for sharing until it becomes detrimental to the projects development (which means that I think money is an important factor in allowing professional programmers & myself to develop the project continuously on a full-time basis). Are there paid plugins out there that use parts of prior GPL plugins? If so, do they provide the full source codes somewhere for people to just copy and past into their own plugin files and therefor avoid paying for it??
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