• – need translations (french, …)
    – cannot select group when creating event from back-office
    – the event I created in the futur appears in the past event list???
    – the event page cannot be displayed (page not found???)
    – the end date should be automatically fill when the start date is changed
    – some mandatory fields in events creation are “useless”and “annoying” for most users (event organizer, agreement checkbox, …)

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  • Plugin Author zaheer01


    – You can translate plugin from here in french

    – This plugin is made to create event from front-end and for particular group you can go to the group and create event for group.

    – The plugin is tested you may be made mistake in events dates that’s why it’s showing in past dates.

    – You can check documentation of plugin if page not found! You just have to go to permalink options and click save event start working.

    We are working on plugin to make it work perfectly thanks for your suggestions.

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